CrossFit WOD, March 17, 2020

CrossFit WOD, March 17, 2020

Tuesday March 17

Banded Snatch Warm-up
"Burgener Warm-up w. a PVC"
1. Down and up
2. Elbows high and outside
3. Muscle snatch
4. Snatch land
5. Snatch drop
6. Hang Power Snatch
*Go through 5 reps of each step and explain the significance of each.
Then grab barbells and complete:
3 Hang Muscle Snatch
3 Hang Power Snatch
Put the bar down + rest 10s
3 Power Snatch on Coaches Call
Continue getting warm for the Metcon

Southie Shuffle (Time)
For time:
400m Run
21 Power Snatches (115,75)
300m Run
21 Burpees
200m Medball Run (20, 14)

Rest 2 Minutes

400m Run
15 Power Snatches
300m Run
15 Burpees
200m Medball Run (20, 14)

Rest 2 Minutes

400m Run
9 Power Snatches
300m Run
9 Burpees
200m Medball Run (20, 14)
– Goal: Find a consistent pace to sustain for the entire metcon. There are short bouts of rest but not enough to go balls to the wall. Courtesy of CrossFit Southie

Rx+:(135, 95) (Use a 40/20# sandbag or the medball run)
L3: (95, 65)
L2: (75, 55)
L1: (65, 45) (No medball)
30:00 Cap

Extra Credit
Metcon (Time)
Hang Muscle Cleans x 100 Reps – AFAP.
– Pick a weight people can complete 25 UB reps with when fresh. It should be light (for most an empty barbell will be more than enough.)

Cool Down
3-Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 30s each position.