CrossFit WOD, March 11, 2020

CrossFit WOD, March 11, 2020

Wednesday March 11

30s Row or Bike @easy pace
30 Single Unders
30 Shoulder taps
30 Double Under Attempts or Double Unders
– Kettlebell Swings – 1 x 5 Russian swings, 2 x 5 American swings
– Up Downs
– Goals of the Conditioning Piece
– Rx+ handstand walking warm-up done here

Push Press x2 Split Jerk x1 (Weight)
Every 2 MIn for 6 Sets Building

Metcon (Time)
Every 5:00 x 5 sets:
400 Meter Run or Row
15 Kettlebell Swings (53, 35)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
– Goal: All splits within 30s of each other, pace of roughly 80% (hard-ish.) Score = slowest time

Rx+:(20 KBS, 20ft Handstand Walk)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (35, 25)
L1: (35, 25 Russian Kettlebell Swings)

Extra Credit
Barbell Glute Bridges (Weight)
– Goal: 4 challenging sets that people should feel in their glutes
– Glute Hip Thrust can be used if you have enough benches

Rest 30s. Between sets complete 30s weighted elbow plank – heavy