31 May CrossFit WOD, June 1, 2019
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 30 with a partner:
30 Wall balls (20, 14)
20 KBS (70, 53)
10 Bar Muscle-ups
20 Goblet Squats (70, 53)
30 Calorie Row
*One person works. Split as desired.
Rx+:(30, 20)
Partner up and grab all equipment:
– KBs
– Medballs
– Set-up for HSPU
Then, Each athlete complete:
5 Russian Swings + 5 Full Swings
5 Goblet Squats
5 Wall balls
5 Bar Muscle-up or CTB Pull Ups ( or whatever scaled variation)