CrossFit WOD, July 18, 2018

CrossFit WOD, July 18, 2018


High Knees up and back
Butt Kicks up and back
Power Skips up and back
Spider Man Lunge 2 x per leg
Leg Swings 10 front to back and 10 to the side
90 Degree Hip Rotation
Green Band steps. 5 in each direction 2 x

1a) RDLs: 4 x 8. Rest 30s.
1b) DB Single Arm Push Press: 4 x 6 ea. Rest 30s.
1c) Russian Twists w. a plate: 4 x 20. Rest 30s.

*Complete all 3 movements in a "giant set" going from 1a,1b, to 1c until you’ve gone through 4 times.

Metcon (Time)
3 RFT w. a partner:
1k Row
40 Wallballs (20, 14)
30 Box Jumps Overs (24, 20)
20 Power Snatch (95, 63)
10 Overhead Squats (95, 63)
Rx+:(115, 73)

Split the reps however you want
30:00 Cap