CrossFit WOD, February 24, 2021

CrossFit WOD, February 24, 2021


8 min Partner AMRAP
15 sec bike (you go – I go) x 2
5 synchro tempo air squats (3 sec down – 2 sec hold – fast up)
10 Dynamic Squat Stretch

Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
200/160 Calorie Assault Bike
125 Synchro Air Squats
* Split Bike calories as needed

4 Rounds
10 Bench Press (build to a moderate weight – perform all sets at the same weight – controlled up and down)
12 body weight rows – bar on rig
3 rounds
10 standing alt. Dumbbell curls (each side)
10 db tricep kickbacks on bench (each side)
15 v-ups