17 Feb CrossFit WOD, February 18, 2020
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Tuesday February 18
Bench Press Warm Up
Foam roll pecs and lats
AMRAP 3 of
AMRAP 3 of
10 Pass Thrus
10 Banded Facepull-aparts
10 Banded Pull-aparts
10 Thoracic Rotations (5 each side)
5 Inch Worm with Push Up
10 Pec Rolls (5 per side)
Single Arm DB Bench Press (4×8 per arm)
No rest.
Inverted Row (4×12)
Rest 60s
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
15 DB Push Press (50, 35)
15 Box Jumps (24, 20)
15 T2B
– Goal: Complete all work in 2 sets or less. This should be a fast pace workout – 80-85% effort.
Rx+: (20 Reps per movement) (135, 95) (Add 3/2 Ring Muscle-ups after each round) (Time Cap 20:00)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (35, 20) (20, 15) (Knee lifts)
L1: (30, 15) (Alt. Step-ups) (Knee lifts)
16:00 Time Cap
15 DB Push Press (50, 35)
15 Box Jumps (24, 20)
15 T2B
– Goal: Complete all work in 2 sets or less. This should be a fast pace workout – 80-85% effort.
Rx+: (20 Reps per movement) (135, 95) (Add 3/2 Ring Muscle-ups after each round) (Time Cap 20:00)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (35, 20) (20, 15) (Knee lifts)
L1: (30, 15) (Alt. Step-ups) (Knee lifts)
16:00 Time Cap