12 Dec CrossFit WOD, December 13, 2018
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Box Squats (Weight)
Wide Stance Box Squat: 8 x 3 @65% of Last Monday 3RM, every 60s
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 Rounds, each for time:
30 Second AB Sprint
20 Burpees
Rest 3:00
30 Second AB Sprint
20 Burpees
Rest 3:00
Note each interval time. Put calories in the comments
3 rounds BP Lower Complex #1:
5 RDLs
5 Sumo Stance RDL’s
5 Front Squats
5 Rev Lunges each leg
5 Goodmornings
5 Bent Over Rows
Rest 60 seconds then add light-weight