23 Aug CrossFit WOD, August 24, 2019
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Metcon (Time)
"Barbell Jerry"
For time with a partner:
Buy-in: 50 Squat Cleans (135, 93)
1 Mile Run
2k Row
1 Mile Run
Cash-out: 50 Power Cleans (135, 93)
* Split Reps and Run and Row as desired
Rx+:(155, 103)
35 Min Cap
2 Rounds
Partner 1:
8 Hang power cleans
8 Power clean from mid-shin
8 Slow front squats
8 Squat cleans or Power clean + front squat for newbies
*Bar down; switch partners. Add weight for a second round if possible
Partner 2 lightly rows until told to switch