CrossFit WOD, August 19, 2019

CrossFit WOD, August 19, 2019


Dynamic Warm up with Barbell
High Knees up and back
Butt Kicks up and back
Lateral Shuffle up and back
Power Skips up and back
Then grab barbells and complete:
8 Deadlifts
8 Muscle Cleans
8 Front Squat
8 Push Press
8 Goodmornings
8 Back Squats

Back Squat (Weight)
1) Back Squat:
5-4-3-2-1+. Rest as needed
Build to a 1RM

Devils Complex (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Devils Complex"
AMRAP 12 Complex of:
6 Romanian Deadlifts (135, 93)
6 Hang Power Cleans
12 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (total)
12 Barbell Rows
*Rest as needed between rounds
*ALL done without dropping the bar