27 Apr CrossFit WOD, April 28, 2020
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Workout – HOME
STRENGTH (20:00 – 40:00)
1a) Inverted Rows – supinated grip: 4 x 8-10. 2 second hold at top. Rest 45s
– Perform 1-2 warm-up sets
– Reset on each rep, neutral spine
1b) Ring Dips: 4 x 6-10. 3s descent. Rest 45s
L2: Bar Dips
L1: Box Dips
– Goal: 4 work sets with perfect positions, supersetting between both.
1a) Inverted Rows – supinated grip: 4 x 8-10. 2 second hold at top. Rest 45s
– Perform 1-2 warm-up sets
– Reset on each rep, neutral spine
1b) Ring Dips: 4 x 6-10. 3s descent. Rest 45s
L2: Bar Dips
L1: Box Dips
– Goal: 4 work sets with perfect positions, supersetting between both.
D) CONDITIONING (40:00 – 60:00)
"Panic Breathing"
For time with a partner:
500M Row
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold (53, 35)
400M Row
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold
300M Row
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold
200M Row
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold
100M Row
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold
Cash out: 10 Burpees for both partners every time the kettlebells were dropped during the workout
3 Upward to Downward Facing Dog + Toe Touch
3 Shin Box + Forward Fold each
3 Scorpion Stretch each
Tabata style:
Superman 20s x 6
Hollow Rocks 20s x 6
Side Plank Crunches 20s x 4 each (hold top position for "rest")
EMOM 16:
Min 1: 20s Jump Squats
Min 2: 30s Air Squats
Min 3: 40s Burpees
Min 4: 50s Sit-ups