CrossFit WOD, April 16, 2020

CrossFit WOD, April 16, 2020


Workout – HOME
2 Rounds of:
30 Jumping Jacks,
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Upward to Downward Facing Dog + Toe Touch

1a) Renegade Rows: 4 x 8-10 each. Rest 30s
1b) Single Arm Glute Bridge Bench Press: 4 x 12 each. Rest 30s
2a) Plank Pull Through: 4 x 45s. Rest 30s
2b) Rollback Tricep Extensions: 4 x 10-12. Rest 30s,

KB/DB Complex of:
1 Turkish Get-up
2 KB Windmills
3 Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Reverse Lunge
(Go through entire sequence on left arm, then repeat on right)

With a jump rope + medium band
100 Double Unders or 150 Singles for time. For every trip up, complete 3 Burpees and then continue. If completed early, hold an active squat until the cap is called. 3-minute cap.
3 Rounds
8 Lateral Lunge, 8 Sumo Stance Banded Goodmornings, 8 Thoracic Rotations
Sumo Deadlift or Trap Bar Deadlift warm-up Review

C) STRENGTH (20:00 – 40:00)
1) Sumo Deadlift or Trap Bar Deadlift: 3/5 x 5 @75% of 1RM Deadlift (either sumo or conventional.) Rest 2:00
– Beginner: Work perfecting the hip-hinge ie. work RDLs x 5-6 reps per set or Deadlifts off of blocks.
– Goal: 3 warm-up sets to get to 75% and 5 perfect sets resetting on each rep, NOT TNG.
2) Metcon Warm-up:
3 Rounds of:
1 Power Clean
3 Front Squats
Rest 60s
*progress to heaviest Front Squat weight over the 3 rounds

D) CONDITIONING (40:00 – 60:00)
For total time:
21 Front Squats (155, 105)
21 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Double Unders
Rest 3:00
15 Front Squats (185, 125)
15 Calorie Assault Bike
75 Double Unders
Rest 3:00
9 Front Squats (225, 155)
9 Calorie Assault Bike
50 Double Unders
– Goal: VERY uncomfortable pace with a challenging weight. Last tested on 12/12.